company research

Find, research and diligence any company in the world

Access unparalleled intelligence and research on private companies worldwide, streamline your deal screening and filtering process and gain a competitive edge with in-depth AI analysis. Our platform provides the comprehensive insights you need to win the next deal.

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ListAlpha Interface

“AI-based company research is a game changer and has allowed us to massively speed up our company research process”

Head of Origination, Mid-Market PE fund

In-depth AI analysis of privately held businesses

Access unprecedented data on private companies, including executive teams, market positioning and competitive analysis. Our AI-engine allows to analyse thousands of data points at runtime, giving you the latest insights on any business in the world.

Read more about how we use AI to perform due diligence on private assets

Latest financial, ownership and investor information

Quickly retrieve and scrutinize essential information on potential investments, optimizing your deal flow and due diligence process. Our advanced filtering tools allow you to efficiently screen and evaluate opportunities, saving you valuable time and resources. Enhance your workflow and make smarter investment choices with ease.

News, sentiment and investment signals

Leverage cutting-edge AI technology to gain detailed insights and competitive intelligence on private companies. Our platform offers sophisticated analysis that uncovers trends and opportunities, helping you stay ahead in the private equity market. Achieve superior market intelligence and drive success with our in-depth AI analysis.

Deep integration with email/meeting and past deal flow data

Private equity deals should never be done in a vacuum. Uncover past relationships with the CFO of the business. Find other market reports and intelligence gathered about the sector from your other teammates.

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